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Monday, December 8, 2008

Zales? Shmales!

As I watching one of my favorite shows tonight, being without my cable DVR, I ended up watching a few commercials.

One of them was a "Zales 25% off the original price" commercial.

Then I noticed the small print.

"Original sales price may not have resulted in actual sales."



ZeroMan said...

I see it at every comic convention. Dealeres will have boxes labled "Everything HALF OFF!"

But of course, the original price of these books is usually twice what other dealers are selling them for.

Aaron said...

You'd never stoop to using that technique, would you? :)

ZeroMan said...

Truthfully, I'd never use that technique - not because I feel I am somehow above it...

...but rather because it just wouldn't occur to me.

I still scratch my head over it, thinking "Surely people just look at the final price and realize they're not saving anything."

But of course they don't.

Aaron said...

You, like me, give people too much credit sometimes.
