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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese

So I guess we ditched the cable none too soon. Why, you ask?

We were driving through Marietta a few days ago, when we passed by a Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza. My 2+ year-old son saw the sign and yelled, (in his cute, 2 year-old voice) "I wanna go play games at Chuck E. Cheese's!!!!"

Now, if the story ended here, it would be cute enough, but it doesn't. My son didn't just yell out the fact that he wanted to go play games. He didn't just yell the name of the "restaurant". This is what he said in its entirety:

"I wanna go play games at Chuch E. Cheese's...a proud sponsor of Playhouse Disney!!"

Yep...too much cable.