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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Christmas Eve Tradition

Okay, I admit it. I like opening presents. I like surprises. My wife laughs at me because I always want to open presents 1 to 12 days early.

I managed to talk her into exchanging our gifts on the 20th this year! We're out of town for the holidays, and it seemed just silly to tote all those presents half way across the country to open them and tote them halfway back. Right?!? :)

Every year growing up I always worked my parents hard about opening presents. Usually, what would end up happening is I could open just one present a day early. Just one. Now, it was never THE present. You know the one I'm talking about. The one that you especially wanted. The one that you had been asking for for weeks. In my house, that present was usually reserved for delivery by Santa, and was opened Christmas Day morning. But I usually managed to squeeze out one present early.

Today, we're keeping that tradition alive (at my request). My son is going to open one present tonight, then tomorrow we're opening the rest. The present he is going to open is actually some of my old Fischer Price toys that my mom and sister got out of the attic and wrapped up for him.

I'm a believer in thinking out of the box and being innovative...but not all traditions are bad.

Merry Christmas


ZeroMan said...

Why tradition is important:

Yes, change is inevitible and only dinosaurs resist the crunch of progress. But at the end of the day when we look at what is important in our lives, we see things that are constant and realize that it is only things that are truely strong that survive intact. Who doesn't take comfort in that?

Holidays are about comfort, so tradition is important this time of year. And this holiday is about something far stronger than anything else in our lives.

Wishing you and your family a Merry (and traditional) Christmas!

Heidi W said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

Aaron said...

Zeroman -

Wise words from a wise man. We were in Tyler for about 16 hours this past weekend. Unfortunately, during that time Ground Zero was closed or we were in church.

Hopefully next time we'll get to stop in and see you!

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Aaron said...

And to you and yours as well, Heidi!!

Wayward Son said...

We've pretty much done the one present thing on Christmas Eve for Joshua's whole life...

You're right. Not all tradition is bad. :)

Merry Christmas, you guys!

Aaron said...

When the number of presents I received was greater, I used to try to get one about a week out, one two days out, one on Christmas Eve...whatever I could manage.


Mighty Merry Christmas to you!