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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Seven Commandments

I think I am going to try them again. The Seven Commandments, I mean.

Just as God gave Moses 10 Commandments, he gave Aaron (me, not Moses' brother) these Seven Commandments. These seven commandments (or laws, if you will) are something that I used before to lose weight. I didn't stick with it, though, so of course, what weight I had lost I gained back.

Without further ado, here they are:

  1. Thou shalt eateth modest portions - of seconds, thou shalt haveth noneth
  2. Thou shalt NOT partake of the sweet drinks - sugar shall be as the dung of the camel to thee
  3. Thou shalt NOT eateth sweets or desserteths
  4. When the 9th hour has past, NO MORE shall passeth your lips until the cock crows at the rising of the sun
  5. Fast Food shall be far from thy mouth, as the East is from the West
  6. Thou shalt eateth healthy snacks, but thou shalt NOT grazeth
  7. Honor the Sabbath and keepeth it holy by eatingeth whatever you want

Sounds easy, right? Hard-e-har-har.

Losing weight has always been difficult for me. I have a great metabolism...if you are trying to survive a nuclear winter.

My ultimate plan is to lose 100+ pounds, write a book about it, get rich, then maintain my new figure with expensive surgeries and highly paid personal trainers.

But seriously...I've put it out here on the entire WWW for everyone (both of you) to read, so I have a high degree of accountability. Maybe this will be a subject I blog on periodically.

Well better go. I need a snack!


Wayward Son said...

I liketh these commandments. Maybe we can go at this together. :)

Anonymous said...

I like #7 -- all things in moderation, including moderation!

Heidi W said...

I'm right there with ya. My metabolism equals that of a sloth sleeping.

Aaron said...

Jeff -

I'm ready for some additional motivation. Maybe we could do a syncro-diet?

Jimgrey -

Hey! A new commenter. Awesome!! Thanks for stopping by. #7 is my favorite...by far.

Heidi W -

I know whatchya mean,metabolism pal.

But seriously...I think I am going to "blog myself to health". At least, it seems like a good idea.

Anonymous said...

you need to reblog on this. we gotta get this done!