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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Save the Planet!! (It's where I keep all my stuff.)

I've decided to go purple...or any other color...just not green. Overuse of the word "Green" as a catch-phrase for everything environmentally friendly is now to the point of driving me crazy!

While you are at it, let's throw the terms "eco-friendly", "renewable resource", "hybrid", "alternative fuels", and my favorite, "low carbon footprint" into the same category.

Don't get me wrong, I love the environment. I live in it everyday. It grows my food and feeds the cows that become my cheeseburgers. I want the environment to be healthy. We have reusable grocery sacks.

I guess I am just a little tired of all the ecovangelists.


Misfit in Paradise said...

I like that term, ecoevangelist.

Aaron said...

Misfit -

I can up with on my own...but unfortunately I wasn't first...

I googled it and it has been around for years.