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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hey, Mr. Red Light!

If you are easily offended and choose to read this post anyway, I apologize now. I just thought it was just too funny not to share.


Nathanael, my 2 1/2 year-old son is potty training. We are at the "Momma/Daddy, I needa go potty now!" phase. Not only is he potty-training, he is also learning (since he is a boy, after all) how to stand and use the restroom.

Unrelatedly (or at least I originally thought so), we sometimes play a game in the car. When we are stopped at a red light, he and I will say together, "Hey, Mr. Red Light, turn green now!" We'll do this a couple of times until the light finally turns green. Nathanael thinks it's a lot of fun.

Well, today my wife informed me that while attempting to stand and use the restroom, this is what my son said:

"Hey, Mr. Penis, go pee now!"

I was laughing so hard I forgot to ask if it worked...


Anonymous said...

Jen emailed me this at work and I thought it was so funny I had to go tell all my coworkers. Thanks for the laugh!

Aaron said...

Dan -

I have to admit I lost it when Cheryl told me.