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Friday, February 13, 2009

This Post Is Not Filler

It's really not filler, I promise. With my friend Jeff telling everyone in the world that I'm not posting "filler", I have to make sure you all understand. This. Is. Not. Filler.

However, it is short.


I've always been a dreamer. Not in the figurative "MLK - I have a dream" sense, but literally. I've always had lots of vivid dreams, and I remember a lot of them, often in great detail.

Last night I dreamed I had 88 subscribers to my blog! 88!!

I don't...but I dreamed that I did.

However, I appreciate all the subscribers I do have! Thanks Subscribers!

I might share some of my other dreams in a later post. I used to have this one dream over and over when I was a little kid. I was pretty interesting, in a strange, silly sort of way. I'll probably share that one first...

Have you ever had any strange or vivid dreams?


Misfit in Paradise said...

This morning I was dreaming this weird Russian Sound of Music type thing. With sci-fi effects.
Like that?

Aaron said...

Russian Sound of Music, huh? Were they singing "The hills are alive, with the sound of vodka..."?