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Thursday, February 12, 2009

These Are A Few of My (Least) Favorite Things

I'm pretty easy going. But there are a couple of things that just drive...me...crazy.

1) Fingertappers
2) Newscasters

Fingertappers are people that tap a finger or two on the microphone to the rhythm of the beat while they are singing. It drives me crazy. CRAZY, I tell you!! I don't remember fingertappers being around in the '80s. I think Christina Aguilara started it all. Even if she didn't, I've decided to blame her.

When we watch American Idol, (I can't abbreviate it as AI, when people do that I always think of artificial intelligence) if the person is a fingertapper, they go right to the bottom of my list. I would rather watch Sanjaya than a fingertapper. No, really, I would.

If you happen to be a fingertapper, I don't dislike you personally. I don't even blame you. I blame Christina Aguilara.

Newscasters also drive me crazy. I'm talking about the ones that have all gone to the same school. I call them " left, right, up, down" newscasters. You know what I'm talking about, right? It goes like this:

"Tonight on 11 Alive News..." (look left)
"we'll meet a family with four cats..." (look right)
"but there's a problem..." (look up)
"they also have...a dog." (look down)

Of course, they're not really "looking" in those directions. Their eyes stay glued to the teleprompter, and while the rest of their head does the gyrations. Two other things finish the package. If they're female, they must speak in a very nasally voice. And, they must pause just before the last...few words.

I always wonder if they talk like that at home, too.

"Honey, what's for dinner?"

Wife (in a nasally voice):
"We're going to have meatloaf..." (look left)
"as the main dish..." (look right)
"broccoli and potatoes for sides..." (look up)
"and apple pie...for dessert." (look down)

Watch a little AI (I did it!) and your local news and think of me.


Anonymous said...

I think you are a very funny person,Your blog is up lifting on dreary day!:o)

Aaron said...

Thanks anonymous...if you're reading this, take a few seconds to get a Google or OpenID account, then I'll know who you are...if you want to, that is. :P

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

My least favorite things are the people that are in resturants and just walking around town with the bluetooth headsets in. I mean do those people ever get actual calls on those things!! I can understand when you are driving ... having it in just in case ... but just to put it in and walk around everywhere with it ... it just annoys me!! Especially when you are at a place that you really shouldn't be taking calls cause it is considered rude! I was at a funeral once and this guy walked in wearing it ... I asked him "Are you on a call?" and he was like no ... and just proceeded to keep it in ... I thought that was very tasteless! I mean come on everyone we do have some rules (or at least I was taught them) of socially politeness that people should consider! Hope your not one of those people ... if you are maybe this will make you think twice when you are walking around with the device attached to your ear ;-)

Aaron said...

I call people that wear those bluetooth earpieces "Lobots" - in reference to the character from the movie The Empire Strikes Back. Even my friends.

Unknown said...

you forgot to put where they say "Bob, back to you" after the last comment, hehe.

Aaron said...

Back to you, Kenny!