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Monday, June 2, 2008

An Update...

Well, my HFMD is mostly gone. (Hallelujah!) Cheryl was sick for a couple of days before that, and Nathanael the week before that. But now...(drumroll)...we are all healthy!!

Nathanael has been enjoying his swing in the backyard, and it is nice in general just to not feel terrible. My feet are still a little sore, but overall, much better.

I'm not feeling overly bloggish, though. I was thinking today about what I might want to blog about tonight, and nothing really struck my fancy. I will share one funny thing I heard the other day. A comedian was doing a little stand-up that went something like this:

You know, the Internet (with a capital I) caught us totally by surprise. Everyone knew we would have cell phones. That was no big deal, but go back and watch old Star Trek episodes. That was supposed to be the distant future. Sure, they had communicators and phasers and teleporters, but no Internet.

You never heard this conversation:

Kirk: "Spock, get me the coordinates for the Gamma Quadrant!"

Spock: "I'm Googling it now, Captain."

Or this one:

Uhura: "Captain, we just received an instant message from the Romulans..."

Kirk: "What is it?"

Uhura: "We are going to destroy you. LOL."

I thought that was pretty clever.

Thanks for stopping in.