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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Uhhh...Say What?

The following is what serves for me as a "political post".

Today I was listening to Dave Ramsey.  He was taking calls from people letting them tell him who they voted for and why.  I only got to hear a few minutes, but one guy called to say he voted for Senator Obama.  

Dave asked him why.  They guy on the phone said it was because he liked Obama's stance on social and economic issues.   So Dave asked him if he was in favor of socialism.  Check out my paraphrase of the guy's response:

"I've heard that some people think that Obama leans too much towards socialism.  (Pause)  I'm not sure I know what they mean by that.  What really is socialism?"

They guy said in one breath that he liked Obama's social stance, and then in the next breath said he didn't understand it.  Wow.  I don't think he really liked Obama's social policy ideas, as much as the way Obama presented his social policy ideas.

Well, we'll find out in a little while if the caller will get to learn about socialism through life experience over the next few years...


Unknown said...

Michelle Obama recently said, on the occasion of her husband's selection as the Democratic nominee: "For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of my country."

Well I'm glad America had FINALLY done something to be proud of.

But now, here on election night, with Barack now being projected as winner, and I am, for the first time in my adult life, ashamed of my country. We're so easily fooled.

I can only hope that the grim future that I see coming does not actually come to pass. But I fear America will surely get what she has asked for.


Aaron said...

Sometimes I think I must live in a different country than most of the people I see on the TV.