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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Switching Things Up a Bit

Those of you that have been keeping up with my journey know that I have my "own personal walking track" next to my house.  It's kind of a modified figure eight, with a 110+ yard straight-away in the middle.  We've been running the straight-away both directions, which constitutes about 1/3 of a lap.

Tonight, we took it up a notch!  We're now doing what I call "running 6ths."  I've mentally divided our track into 6 (fairly) even pieces and we're alternating running and walking each segment.  Simply put, we're now running 1/2 of each lap!

From 1/3 to 1/2 doesn't seem like much of a difference, but it sure felt like a big difference!


Have you been exercising regularly but doing the same old thing?  Tony Horton (from P90X) is always talking about muscle confusion.  I think that applies not only to your muscles, but to your mind.  Switch something up.  Make a little change.  Take a different route on your run.  Maybe go for a bike ride instead of the treadmill.  Keep it fresh however you can!