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Monday, August 23, 2010

My First 5k

Tonight I rualked my first office 5k course.  It wasn't an actual race, but it was the honest-to-goodness course that will be used for the Gobble Jog on Thanksgiving Day.  I learned a few things (some of which you probably already knew) while I was tackling this.

  1. Concrete really is harder than asphalt.  Really.  Since this wasn't the actual race, I was confined to the sidewalks, all of which are concrete.  By the end I could really feel it in my ankles and knees.
  2. Both uphill AND downhill are difficult.
  3. Though a small difference, 2.9 miles and 3.1 miles are not the same.  My normal route at home is 2.9 miles.  Today I went 3.1 miles.   Just .2 miles...no biggie, huh?
  4. I'm a stroller by natural.  I saunter.  I have to constantly remind myself to keep my speed up when I'm not running.
  5. Don't wear shorts that are too big when running a 5k.  They fall off at inopportune times.
It's approximately 90 days until the Gobble Jog.  I think I'll run it again in 30 days, and then a final time in 60 days.  Hopefully my time will improve with each attempt as I am lugging around less and less of me.

Let's get active!