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Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Minor Revelation

As you may have read in my previous blog, Monday night I rualked the 5k course that I will be running on Thanksgiving Day - a.k.a. the Gobble Jog.  It was quite an adventure.

As I also said previously, concrete is a lot tougher on the old joints than asphalt.  So, when I got out of the car after driving back to the house, I had stiffened up a bit.  As I stretched and slowly worked out the kinks, I realized something.

That was the hardest 5k I would ever run.

Barring an injury, it's only going to get easier from here.  The NEXT time I run a 5k, I'll be lighter, faster, and stronger!


Are you still trying to "get off the couch", literally or metaphorically?  Give it a try.  The first time is the toughest.  It's all downhill from there!