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Monday, August 30, 2010

Record Turnout!!

We had a record turnout today for the Monday night rualk.  Tonight, we had 4 people!!  It's becoming the place to be.

Everyone likes steps, right?  Five steps to be debt free.  Nine steps to a happy marriage.  Eleven steps to the perfect cheeseburger.

I admit, I'm no expert, and I don't have everything figured out, but here's four EASY steps to starting a workout program.

  1. Figure out (or at least take a guess at) what you enjoy doing.  Walking?  Tennis?  Weights?  Aerobic dance?
  2. Make sure you physically capable of participating in said activity.  (I'm not trying rock climbing any time soon.)   Consult your physician if necessary.
  3. Choose when you are going to get active (not what year, but what day(s) of the week and what time).
  4. FIND A PARTNER.  Get someone to join you.  Keep each other accountable.
That's it.  Simple, huh?


If you decide to give my steps a try, let me know!

(88 days to Gobble Jog!!)