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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

They Call It a "Lifestyle" Change

Not a diet...a "lifestyle" change. I've got to change the way I've eaten my entire life - my entire relationship with food. That's a tall order.

I just recently got my labs results back from my latest employee physical. Good news!! My lipids have improved! Bad news!! My blood HgA1C has not. My A1C is a little high, and I want to get it under control now.

So I am now at war with sugar. Sugar! Thou are mine enemy!

Sugar doesn't have a chance. I'm a pretty smart guy, and it's an inert substance. They odds are in my favor I believe.

"What steps have you taken?" you might ask...I'm glad you did.

  1. I have retained, at a not insignificant cost, a mentor/accountability partner/health coach. Okay, truth be told, he's a friend of mine...I didn't really hire him. We are going to meet twice a month to help me keep on track.
  2. No more sweet drinks, cutting back on the white foods (white bread, potatoes, etc...you know the drill), limiting my portions. Nothing drastic.
  3. Working out. I'm hitting the dumbbells and getting active on the carport 3 days a week. That's the target for now.
  4. Last of all...this blog. A place for me to record my frustrations, my successes, my insights, and more. Of course, I may be the only person that ever reads it. And that's just fine.


Kristen W said...

I'm reading! :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go,Aaron!! You CAN do it.The 1st step,is to want to,so you are already on your way.Love you :o)

Ellen said...

Hey, Aaron:

I lost about 75 over a reasonable period using Weight Watchers (although I never went to a meeting, I just used their online tool). If you ever want to talk low-cal low-fat strategies and snacks, give me a hollar. :-)

- Ellen