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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I Went to Burger King!

Right about now, you're saying, "What?!??  Burger King!  I thought you were on a die-it."

A-ha!  Wrong...it's not a die-it, it's a lifestyle, remember?  Sheesh?  That was just one post ago that I established that.

So NOW you're saying, "What kind of 'lifestyle change' is going to Burger King?"

I'll tell you.

Right after this sentence.

Here we go.

Normally when I go to a burger joint of any type, I get a double-meat burger.  I like the meat in a burger.  The bread is just something to keep my hands from getting greasy.  I've strayed from that formula slightly in recent months because of the advent of the Value Menu.  Value Menu!!

Burger King is good because they have all their food "stats" posted right by entrance.  I did some quick math.  My typical double-meat (full-sized) burger, large fries, and large drink tallied up a total of about 1770 calories.  Of course, that's with no refills.  Right.  Like that's going to happen.  Let's say I get two refills.  One in the store and another to take with me.  That brings the total to approximately 2640 calories.  Scary, huh?

Today, I had a Buck Double, value fries, and water.  This tallies up to 630 calories.  Oops!  Hold on.  I have four refills of my drink.  So now, the total is...630 calories.

To top it off, we walked to Target to get a battery for my scale (yikes!), then walked to BK, then walked home. Not quite a mile, but part of it is uphill!

Some may consider this a small victory.  I consider it a step in the right direction.