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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Long Week

This was a long week, especially at work.  We had lots of technical problems, and it was just mentally and emotionally draining.

On the flip side, this was a good week for "the program".  I really only squeezed in one official "workout", instead of the three I planned, but I was more active.  I took the stairs at work, and this afternoon we washed the van and put up some blinds in the boy's room.  Not to mention our little walk we took earlier in the week.  I know that blinds, a car wash, and a walk don't equal a triathlon, but it IS better than sitting on my laziness all day.

Truth be told, I think I hurt my foot a bit...I kind of overdid it ion Tuesday.  I'm hoping by Monday it will be rested up and I can do some more aerobic type stuff.  Either way, I'm hitting the weights...I don't need my foot to do that.

If you are one of my inactive friends, I challenge you to find something new to add to your routine this week to get your blood pumping.

Another positive note is my eating habits.  I've kept my self completely off of sweet drinks, kept my portions under control, and I would just guess that I have cut my calorie intake to 1/3 of what it used to be, and my sugar intake to 1/5 or less of what it was.

One week doesn't make it a habit, but I'm one step closer than before!