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Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Little Test

A few months ago, I mentioned comic books in one of my posts, and how I've always been a fan. These days, it's okay to like superheros. In fact, a huge portion of the movie industry is now geared around that. It's no secret that the Spiderman, X-Men (Wolverine), Iron Man, and the most recent two Batman movies have been big hits.

So, with superheroes taking on a even bigger role in popular culture, I thought I would do a little quiz. In the first list, tell me the real name of the superhero. The second list, do just the opposite. Which superhero is it? I'll try take make each list start easy and get harder. That way you can gauge your level of geek-ness. I've also made sure that they've all appeared in movies. So, it's possible to know them all and to have never read a single comic. Here we go!

1. Superman
2. Spiderman
3. Daredevil
4. Ghost Rider
5. Beast

Bonus 1: Magneto


A. Bruce Wayne
B. Bruce Banner
C. Tony Stark
D. Johnny Storm
E. Scott Summers

Bonus 2: Wade Wilson

Have fun. I expect only a small percentage of people to get them all (without the help of Google, of course).


Unknown said...

Funny, I got all of section two, but only the top two in section one.

David Seigler said...


I got them all.

Must be an easy test.

steve e said...

This may be disappointing to you knowing our past but i didn't get any of the bonus. otherwise i know all of section 2. On section one do i get half credit for 1st names of beast and ghost rider? I din't get daredevil at all. Im getting old! I have even seen all the marvel movies.. it is a sad day for the old neurons :(

steve e said...

This has actually got me thinking of how to stump the master. I am known somewhat for trick questions as well as trivial knowledge. Let's start easy...How many animals did Moses take on the ark? If a plane with 1/2 mexican citizens and 1/2 US citizens crashed on the texas-mexico border where would they bury the survivors? And now the stumper...If Abraham Lincolin were alive today what would he be doing right now? This has an answer which I am ABSOLUTELY sure is correct and actually answered in school when I was asked this question.

Aaron said...

Mark - that is funny.

David - In the words of Gomer Pyle, "Surprise, surprise, surprise!"

Steve - Yes, I'll give you half credit. :)

As to your second post...

None, nowhere, and scratching at the inside of his coffin. :)

steve e said...

well played..., perhaps the level of difficulty needs to deepen, now be girded against the new thrust of trickiness! Imagine a car that travels 60 mph. also imagine a magic bird that travels 100 mph. The bird is magic because it can turn 180 degrees without losing speed. OK now imagine that the bird is sitting on the front of the car and lifts off at the same time the car magicaly starts moving at 60 mph.The car is going a distance of 120 miles. the bird also goes the same way. when the bird gets to the finish line it turns around and flies back until it gets to the car then it turns around and flies back to the finish line etc. the question is... what distance has the birs traveled when the car gets to the finish line?

Aaron said...

Well...I'm guessing since it will take 2 hours for the car to travel 120 miles...and the bird travels 100 miles an hour...in two hours the bird should travel 200 miles...of course it will only be 120 miles from the starting line, arriving at the finish line at approximately the same time as the car.

Of course, I could be missing something...

steve e said...

right again! you are hard to stump! this was actually a sort of classic physics puzzle with the solution being obvious given the right method of figuring it out. a story goes that hans bethe(well known to be a mathmatical genius) was asked this question and gave the right answer in about 2 seconds. the guy asking it says "yes but isn't it a cute problem? some people will actually try to solve the infinate series created by the bird's path, instead of the other way" to which he responded "what other way is there?"

Ann said...

You two guys are just to smart and funny!:o)