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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Not That Scary

The other day I posted about my then upcoming employee physical. I was a little concerned about my health stats since it's been a long time since I've had them done.

Well, I had it today, and...not too bad.

My LDL and cholesterol were a little high, but my triglycerides were fine and my HDL was just a point off. Not bad for a fat guy. It still motivated me to want to get all my stats down within range.

At least she didn't call 911 when she saw my readings and start yelling things like "We need a CBC and chem 7 stat! Hang 2 more liters of O-!!" like they always do on TV.

Thanks to those of you that were concerned with me!


Misfit in Paradise said...

I see oatmeal in your future!
Glad to know all is well.

Wayward Son said...

Very happy to hear what, um, didn't happen. :)

Oatmeal, no. Cheerios, yes. :)

Well, okay, oatmeal, if you like it. I don't. Feels like eating paste.

Aaron said...

Oatmeal, Cheerios, they all sound great to me!